Introducing Breanna Hawkins, an extraordinary individual whose deep passion for community and food is truly inspiring. With a background in urban planning and extensive experience in social justice and policy, she has emerged as a driving force in advancing solutions that prioritize racial equity, community empowerment, and the development of healthy neighborhoods.

Breanna's journey has been profoundly shaped by her time on the LA Food Policy Council and her personal experiences as the grandchild of a sharecropper, whose family embarked on the great migration to California in search of land ownership. These experiences have provided her with a unique understanding of how our cultural identity as Americans intertwines with policy formation and community dynamics, sometimes leading to the marginalization of certain groups while elevating others. This awareness has fueled her unwavering commitment to creating transformative shifts toward equity and justice in her professional career.

As a co-founder of Fractal Strategies, a socially impactful organization led by women and BIPOC, Breanna collaborates with diverse institutions and organizations to drive positive change. Her unparalleled insights into urban planning, coupled with her genuine love for community, enable her to envision and implement policies that prioritize the well-being of all individuals.

To discover more about Breanna and her incredible journey, join in and listen to her story unfold. Learn how her unyielding dedication to building a localized and sustainable food system is deeply connected to her profound love for humanity as a whole. Be inspired by her vision for a more inclusive and equitable future for everyone.

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